Christine Mackey-Ross and colleagues

AMN Healthcare Leader Christine Mackey-Ross Named by SIA as 2023 DE&I Influencer

Christine Mackey-Ross, President, Executive and Physician Leadership Search at AMN Healthcare, has been named by Staffing Industry Analyst (SIA) as a 2023 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Influencer. 

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The third annual SIA DE&I Influencers list recognizes professionals leading the charge to create opportunities for historically excluded communities and features 49 leaders from across the United States and Canada who are having discussions about inclusion and challenging others to drive change. 

“I am honored to share this award with all my team members who have worked with me to weave DEI through the fabric of our AMN Division,” Mackey-Ross said. “Our work helps AMN Healthcare create a company where all major decisions, policies, and processes are developed through a DEI lens to promote fairness and justice in our company, our industry, and the communities where we all live and work.” 

Mackey-Ross has been awarded this honor for incorporating an inclusive philosophy into the workplace, including the implementation of an eight-week program for her team on unconscious bias and systemic racism. In her personal life, Mackey-Ross is a founding member of the University City Restorative Justice Committee in St. Louis, which keeps first-time, non-violent offenders out of the family court system. And above all else, she is also a dedicated advocate and ally.  

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As an SIA DE&I Influencer, Mackey-Ross magazine and SIA’s DE&I Influencer website, will appear in the May/June 2023 issue of Staffing Industry Review magazine, and will be honored during an upcoming private event. 

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