group of nurses
Surveys October 21, 2021

2021 AMN Healthcare Survey of Registered Nurses

Nursing and the Nation: Extreme Challenges, Extraordinary Impact

The AMN Healthcare 2021 Survey of Registered Nurses illustrates the pandemic’s impact on the mental health and wellbeing of nurses, highlights trends of nurses seeking advanced education and training, and provides unique viewpoints on diversity, equality, and inclusion in the healthcare environment.

Highlights from the survey:

  • 83% of nurses had cared for patients with COVID-19
  • Nurses who treated patients with COVID-19 were significantly more likely to experience a great deal of stress at work and twice as likely to leave nursing
  • 50% RNs said the pandemic had an impact on their education plans
  • Nonwhite and non-heterosexual nurses have greater doubts about workplace commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion
  • 60% of nurses said gender-based or sexual harassment happens at their workplace from “a moderate amount” to “a great deal”

The report also provides insights and strategies to address the challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic to nurses’ mental health and wellbeing.

Nurses need our support. They are critically important to the health of individuals and the overall health of our communities. Healthy nurses mean healthy communities.

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