Celebrating a Decade of Results-Driven Partnership

In 2012 Penn State Health partnered with AMN Healthcare, beginning a journey to completely transform how they managed their workforce. Together, we redesigned processes, developed new strategies, and implemented technologies to strategically allocate staffing resources to meet patient needs.

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The work undertaken has been enterprise-wide, including the academic medical center, across nearly all departments, as well as more than 60 medical group practice sites.

The constant in the partnership amidst an everchanging healthcare landscape has been a shared vision, a focus on data and predictive analytics, the value put on open communication, and the goals of cost containment, revenue enhancement, a flexible workforce, and caregiver satisfaction.

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Continuous Analysis, Constant Improvement

Together with our forward-thinking team at Penn State Health, we implemented a continuous cycle of strategic workforce management that focuses on ensuring the right number of healthcare professionals with the right skills are in the right place at the right time to deliver on their short-term and long-term objectives.

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This focus and rigor from the start resulted in an initial two-year savings of $2.1M in the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and $1.3M in the medical group.

These savings continue and are complemented by consistent fill rates above 95% as well as sustained reductions in overtime costs and low turnover.

Nurse picking up stethoscope
See Also
3 Ways to Reduce Agency Nursing Usage

Additional key performance metrics, including FTE leakage (staff being scheduled to their FTE) and incidental worked time (staff working before and after scheduled shifts), are constantly tracked with goals consistently achieved.

Throughout the pandemic attention to the strategic workforce, plan was complemented by additional creative thinking to drive engagement. A few of the programs include team staffing models to improve communication and satisfaction, training to increase cross-specialization and career development and an Emeritus Program that provided mentorship from highly qualified retired RNs to the next generation.

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