Live Q&A January 11, 2024

Live Q&A EP 31- New Year, New Adventures

Date: January 25th
Time: 2:30 CT/ 11:30pm PST

Host: Saundra Vild, DVP Training
Zach Parcham
, Senior Director of Recruitment
Teresa Healey, Senior Recruitment Manager
Caitlin Connolly, Senior Account Manager

New Year, New Adventures

In episode 31 of our Live Q&A event series, we're discussing what a new year means for nurses! Our host, Saundra, and our guests, Zach, Teresa and Caitlin will discuss various career opportunities available through AMN Healthcare and share tips and tricks on finding a job that meets your needs.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with our team and learn how you can take control of your nursing career this year!

What We Discuss

  • How can AMN Healthcare support me throughout my assignment?

We understand that sometimes not everything goes to plan! Emergencies happen and when they do we’re here to help you. We have a variety of support teams available 24/7 before, during and after an assignment.

  • What advice would you give first-time travelers?

Always have open and honest communication with your recruiter! Discuss your goals and what you’re searching for in your nursing career so your recruiter can do everything they can to make it a reality.

  • When I have questions regarding my contract, who should I talk to?

If you have questions regarding your travel assignment, we recommend connecting with your recruiter! They will listen to your concerns and answer any questions regarding pay, stipends, benefits, time off and so much more.

Ask your Questions Here

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Take the first step to starting your new career.

Authorized to work in the US? *
Job Type Interest *
Have you been on an Interim engagement with AMN before? *
Are you currently employed or on an active Interim engagement? *

How much notice would you have to give? *

How much notice would you have to give? *

What date are you available to start an Interim engagement? *

What date are you available to start an Interim engagement? *

* Indicates Required Fields


I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. {{show_more}} I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.

* Indicates Required Fields


I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. {{show_more}} I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.

Complete Your Application!
Continue to NurseFinders to complete your application and profile.