L&D Nurse Smiling

Inside the Mind of a Labor and Delivery Travel Nurse

“You can do it!” “You’re doing great!” “Keep going, keep going!” “You’re strong and can do this!” “One big push.” “Breathe and slowly let it out.” “You’re almost there!” These are just some of the things mothers hear from their Labor and Delivery (L&D) nurses.

Expectant mothers depend on labor and delivery travel nurses to help with the life-changing transition into motherhood. 

Before, during, and after delivery, L&D travel nurses are magical superheroes for mothers-to-be, friends, and family members during this incredible journey to celebrate a new life.

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Labor and delivery travel nurses do much more than just care for and monitor mothers and babies during labor and birth. They’re comforting people, putting smiles on faces, keeping family members and friends up-to-date on the process and progress of the delivery, assisting the doctor during the birth of the child, and educating new parents on the care of their newborn during and after their hospital stay.

L&D travel nurses are very much a part of the new mother’s life as a staff nurse. They give encouragement, shout cheers of joy and happiness, help everyone to prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically for the journey--and they become a special part of that family’s memories.

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It takes a special kind of RN to work in L&D. Labor and delivery nurses must be able to think quickly, communicate effectively, assess situations, and be flexible in an environment that can be crazy and chaotic.

Shelly Lopez-Grey, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Registered Nurse Certification (RNC), an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC) understands this passion firsthand: “I started working obstetrics as a new graduate nurse and fell in love with my patients, their babies, and my job! I love everything about maternal-newborn nursing. It's a crazy, chaotic, wonderful world, and I couldn’t imagine working in any other department.”

But sometimes this passion translates into heartache when things go wrong. L&D nurses may appear to be tough, but on the inside, they feel the family’s pain. RNs choose this field because they love children and they love to see the bond between mother and child, so when a delivery ends badly, they grieve with the parents. 

Being an L&D nurse is a massive responsibility. They play an integral role in what could be the best or the worst day of their lives and they’re aware that their actions and words will leave an indelible mark on the patient and their family.

L&D RNs experience millions of thoughts and emotions throughout the miracle of birth. Bringing new children into the world can be stressful, joyful, emotional, and intense. 

L&D travel nurses have the remarkable opportunity to assist in the labor and delivery process, monitor critical moments of childbirth, and guide women and their families through one of the most life-changing experiences.

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