Paulette and Ann
Nursing Travel May 24, 2024

Nurse Ann's Empowering Journey

As Nurses Month continutes, we are honored to spotlight the remarkable journey and insights of Ann King, a seasoned NICU nurse with over 15 years of experience. In a recent episode of AMN Live, an internal monthly townhall hosted by Paulette and Anne, Nurse Ann shared her transformative experiences, from her beginnings in Pennsylvania to her adventures as a travel nurse with AMN.

The Journey Begins

Ann's nursing career began in Pennsylvania, where she spent eight years working at Geisinger. Her tenure there provided her with a wealth of experiences and an in-depth understanding of NICU nursing. However, it was her decision to become a travel nurse with AMN Healthcare that truly broadened her horizons and opened up new avenues for professional growth.

Empowering Through Education

One of the most impactful moments in Ann's career came during her assignment at Penn State Health, a Level 2 NICU. "It was pretty interesting," Ann recalled. "They had a lot of new-to-NICU nurses, many of whom transitioned from postpartum care. I identified some good moments for teaching, especially with umbilical lines and central line setup in the NICU world."

Recognizing the critical importance of infection control in NICU settings, Ann took the initiative to create educational materials and set up a teaching board. This role allowed her to move beyond bedside care and focus on educating her colleagues, ensuring that the babies received the safest and most appropriate care. Her dedication did not go unnoticed; she was awarded for identifying and addressing a systemic issue related to Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).

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Making Lasting Connections

Ann's impact extends far beyond the hospitals where she has worked. One particularly touching story involved a baby she cared for while on assignment in Oakland. "I was only on assignment there for eight weeks, but the impact I made was bigger than I anticipated," Ann said. The family formed such a strong bond with Ann that they visited her in San Diego months later. "It's so special to be thought about after I leave," she added. This story highlights the profound and lasting connections that nurses can make with their patients and their families.

Career Progression with AMN Healthcare

For the past four years, Ann has been traveling with AMN Healthcare, and this experience has been transformative for her career. "It's opened up a lot of doors," Ann shared. Her latest travel assignment allowed her to step into an advanced role that typically requires a master's degree. "I wouldn't have been able to do that without traveling. I'm able to gain experience from different hospitals and bring that knowledge to new assignments."
Travel nursing has not only broadened Ann's clinical skills but also ignited a passion for education. "I never thought I'd want to be an educator, but that really excited me," she said. The diverse experiences and opportunities provided by AMN Healthcare have fueled her professional development and inspired her to consider new career paths.

The Power of Compassionate Care

Throughout our conversation, it was evident that Ann's commitment to compassionate, connected care is what truly sets her apart. "I care about the babies, and I just want to make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to do," she said. This dedication to quality care and education exemplifies the core values of nursing and underscores the importance of empowering nurses to take on leadership roles.

Looking Ahead: A Journey Uncharted

Ann King’s journey is a testament to the power of experience in nursing. Her story highlights how working with AMN Healthcare has not only expanded her professional capabilities but also allowed her to make a lasting impact on her colleagues and patients. As we celebrate Nurses Month, let us remember the importance of empowering nurses through continuous learning and professional development. By doing so, we can ensure that the future of healthcare is in capable, compassionate hands.

If you're a nurse looking to expand your horizons and empower your career, consider exploring opportunities with AMN Healthcare. Your journey of growth and impact could be just beginning.

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