Family Medicine Salary Report 2024

The healthcare industry is evolving quickly, and the demand for family medicine professionals is rising. In 2024, family medicine salaries have significantly changed due to factors like location, demand, and experience. This report provides an overview of family medicine physician salary trends, particularly for locum tenens positions, and highlights key factors affecting earnings. 

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Top Cities for High-Paying Family Medicine Locum Tenens Jobs 

Locum tenens positions offer family medicine professionals the flexibility to explore different locations while maintaining competitive compensation. Here are some of the top cities where family medicine locum tenens jobs are highly lucrative in 2024: 

San Francisco, California 

San Francisco remains a top destination for family medicine physicians seeking high-paying locum tenens opportunities. The city's robust healthcare infrastructure and high demand for medical professionals contribute to attractive salary packages.

New York, New York

New York City offers exceptional earning potential for family medicine physicians, with numerous hospitals and clinics seeking locum tenens support. The competitive job market drives salaries up, making it a prime location for those looking to maximize their income.

Boston, Massachusetts

With its renowned medical institutions and research facilities, Boston is a hotspot for healthcare professionals. Family medicine locum tenens positions in Boston come with generous compensation and opportunities for professional growth. 

Seattle, Washington

Seattle's thriving healthcare sector and high quality of life make it an appealing city for family medicine locum tenens work. Physicians in Seattle benefit from competitive salaries and a supportive medical community. 

Houston, Texas

Houston's diverse patient population and extensive medical network create a strong demand for family medicine professionals. Locum tenens positions in Houston offer excellent earning potential and the chance to work in a dynamic healthcare environment. 

physician using an ipad
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2024 Trends in Physician Earnings: Physician Salaries by Specialty

Most In-Demand Family Medicine Locum Tenens Positions 

The demand for family medicine locum tenens positions varies based on the specific needs of healthcare facilities and patient populations. In 2024, the following roles are particularly sought after: 

Rural Healthcare Providers

Rural areas often face shortages of healthcare professionals, making family medicine physicians crucial in these regions. Locum tenens positions in rural settings not only offer competitive salaries but also provide the opportunity to make a significant impact on underserved communities. 

Urgent Care Physicians

Urgent care centers continue to expand, requiring skilled family medicine professionals to handle a wide range of medical issues. Locum tenens roles in urgent care settings are in high demand due to the fast-paced nature of the work and the necessity for flexible staffing. 

Telemedicine Practitioners

The rise of telemedicine has opened new avenues for family medicine physicians to provide care remotely. Locum tenens positions in telemedicine offer flexibility and the ability to reach patients across different geographic locations, all while maintaining attractive compensation. 


Family medicine hospitalists play a vital role in inpatient care, bridging the gap between primary care and specialized treatment. Hospitals seek locum tenens hospitalists to ensure continuous patient care and reduce the burden on permanent staff, resulting in competitive salary packages. 

Academic Medicine

Teaching hospitals and medical schools require experienced family medicine professionals to educate the next generation of physicians. Locum tenens positions in academic medicine allow physicians to share their knowledge and expertise while earning competitive salaries. 

Factors Influencing Family Medicine Salaries 

Several factors contribute to the variations in family medicine salaries across different locations and positions: 

Geographic Location 

Salaries for family medicine physicians can significantly differ based on the cost of living, demand for healthcare services, and local competition. Urban areas with higher living costs often offer higher salaries to attract talent, while rural areas may offer incentives to address shortages. 

Experience Level 

Physicians with extensive experience and specialized skills tend to command higher salaries. Locum tenens positions that require specific expertise or advanced certifications often come with increased compensation. 

Demand for Services 

The overall demand for family medicine services in a particular area impacts salary levels. Regions with higher patient volumes and limited access to healthcare professionals typically offer more competitive salaries to attract locum tenens physicians. 

Facility Type 

The type of healthcare facility also plays a role in determining salaries. Hospitals, urgent care centers, and academic institutions may offer different compensation packages based on their specific needs and financial resources. 

Negotiation Skills 

Negotiating a competitive salary is essential for maximizing earnings as a family medicine physician. Understanding industry standards, researching salary ranges, and highlighting relevant experience can help physicians secure favorable compensation agreements. 

Explore Locum Tenens Opportunities with AMN Healthcare 

As healthcare evolves, family medicine professionals have opportunities to explore new roles and maximize earnings. Locum tenens positions offer flexibility, competitive salaries, and impactful work. Staying informed about salary trends and compensation factors helps physicians achieve their goals. Advance your career with AMN Healthcare. Contact us today for information on family medicine salaries and job opportunities. 

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