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Male interim leader staffed by AMN Healthcare

Seattle, WA

$150K - $160K/yr *

Daytona Beach, FL

$160K - $170K/yr *

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Norfolk, NE

$160K - $170K/yr *

Redding, CA

$165K - $175K/yr *

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Your skills as a leader are needed in healthcare’s most niche markets, including specialized areas such as academic medicine, community hospitals, senior living facilities, integrated delivery systems, and anywhere leadership talent and healthcare intersect. 

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Interim Leadership Industry News

afrian american female locums leadership executive smiles at camera from head of board room table surrounded by team


4 Reasons to Advance Your Locum Tenens Career as an Interim Leader

Looking for freedom, flexibility, and higher pay, while making real change? Advance your career now to a Locum Tenens leader, and get all you desire. 

Two healthcare executives conversing in a facility hallway


New Survey Highlights the Current Outlook for Leadership Candidates

This improved outlook could mean an uptick in job opportunities for healthcare leadership candidates, ranging from department managers on up to the C-suite executives.

Healthcare executives gathered around a laptop doing work


Is a Healthcare Career in Interim Leadership Right for You?

As Baby Boomers approach retirement and healthcare continues to change at an accelerated pace, many executives are evaluating career alternatives.