AMN Healthcare can help you find the top Postpartum travel nurse jobs in and around Athens, Tennessee. We have new jobs updating daily, so be sure to Apply Now so our specialists can make sure you get first crack. We make it easy for you to compare Athens’s Postpartum nursing jobs by allowing you to filter based on salary, shift type, location or duration to find the right job for you.
Athens is a great location for Postpartum travel nurses to come live, work and play! And what is a travel nurse looking for if not a great work/life balance in a fun city? Search for jobs below or apply now and our AMN Healthcare team will help get you started!
We have 24 Postpartum jobs total Nationwide. If you’re not finding what you’re looking for immediately, sign up for the AMN Passport App today and we’ll connect you directly with a recruiter.
Here are some helpful statistics about Postpartum traveling nurse jobs in & near Athens. The data is based on the last three complete months of Postpartum job postings in the Athens and nearby areas. It is updated regularly, so you can find the most recent Postpartum job salary trends, the types of shifts, and contract durations most commonly available in Athens and more. Find out more about travel nursing salaries.
Curious to learn what kinds of Postpartum jobs were recently filled in Athens and the benefits of travel nursing? Look no further. We’ve collected 2 of the most recently available RN Postpartum travel jobs posted by healthcare facilities in or nearby to Athens. The most recent highest paying Postpartum job in Athens was a Registered Nurse – Postpartum job in Athens with a weekly salary of $2,041, and a contract length of 13 weeks. The lowest paying Postpartum travel nurse position in Athens was a Registered Nurse – Postpartum position in Athens with a weekly salary of $1,852, and a contract length of 13 weeks.
In Athens, facilities like Tennessee Interventional and Imaging Associates, Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center and Turkey Creek Medical Center, all offer Postpartum departments. It’s a great city to work in and nearby to neighborhoods like Hampton Heights (zip code 37405), Fairhills (zip code 37405) and Foxwood Heights (zip code 37406) neighborhoods.
Other popular cities near Athens’s Postpartum job opportunities are Sweetwater (13.2 miles), Cleveland (25.3 miles) and Lenoir City (31 miles). These are near to zip codes: 37303 (0.8 miles), 37874 (13.1 miles) and 37343 (42.6 miles).
There are 1 hospitals & healthcare facilities that have Postpartum nurses in Athens. Sometimes it is useful to see what types of shifts, contract durations, and travel nurse housing in nearby neighborhoods each facility might offer in order to find the right opportunity for your next traveling Postpartum nurse position in or nearby Athens.