See Highest Paying School Nurse Jobs
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School Travel Nurse Jobs

AMN connects school nurses with districts nationwide. You have the freedom to select your assignment and often the specific student population you'll serve. Embracing new roles and collaborating with diverse student groups will present boundless learning prospects and distinctive challenges to enrich your professional journey.

High Paying School Nurse Salary

$1,300 - $2,300 Weekly

With the increasing demand for school healthcare professionals, now is the perfect time to embark on a rewarding career where you can earn a lucrative salary while making a difference in students' lives. School nursing positions offer competitive weekly earnings ranging from $1,300 to $2,300, influenced by factors like location and expertise. The decision is yours – kickstart your extraordinary journey today!


*Disclaimer: School nurse job wages are based on average rates and may be impacted by facility budgets and seasonality and may include a combination of taxable and non-taxable earnings and reimbursements.


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