Nursing Uncharted Ep. 16 – Scoping Out Endoscopy Nursing - Shelby Evans, BSN

January 18, 2022

By Maggie Reichard

On our first episode of 2022, we got to talk about a very popular realm of nursing: Endoscopy. Special guest, Shelby Evans, BSN, joined us to share her experience as an endoscopy nurse, detailing her journey finding endoscopy, a day in the life of an endoscopy nurse, the characteristics of a good endoscopy nurse, and more.

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We Discuss

(0:00) Introduction to Shelby Evans, BSN

(2:25) How Work is Going for Shelby During the Pandemic

(12:42) Why Shelby Left Inpatient to go to Endoscopy

(21:25) Did Shelby Find What She was Looking for with Endoscopy

(25:05) Day in the Life of an Endoscopy Nurse

(32:47) Who's Typically in the Procedure Room

(36:58) What Does an Endoscopy Nurse Do During a Procedure

(40:32) Is it Difficult Moving from Inpatient to Outpatient

(45:04) Challenges of COVID Restrictions with Patient Families

(57:00) Characteristics of a Good Endoscopy Nurse

About Shelby Evans, BSN

Shelby began her nursing career as an inpatient BMT (bone marrow transplant) & oncology RN. She experienced burnout as a new nurse, so she began searching for different roles as an RN. For the last 5 years, she has been working in the Endoscopy Lab. Recently, Shelby helped form a COVID-19 phone line to triage patient care at the beginning of the pandemic. To keep up with Shelby’s nursing adventures, follow her on Instagram!

About the Show

Producer – Jonathan Cary

Assistant Producers – Katie Schrauben & Sam MacKay

Music & Editing – Aidan Dykes

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