Nursing Unchartered Ep. 46 - How Nurses Can Maximize Wealth and Other Investing Tips - Anthony Swain

May 30, 2023

By Maggie Reichard

Finances can be tough to master, so we brought Anthony Swain BSN, RN, CFEI (Certified Financial Educator) to help simplify things. We discuss the biggest financial mistakes nurses make, how to maximize wealth, how Anthony invests, and more!

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We Discuss

(0:00) Introduction

(4:19) Anthony’s journey into finance

(10:36) Biggest financial mistakes nurses make

(18:05) Best way to maximize wealth when traveling

(24:50) Things Anthony would do differently

(28:19) How should nurses invest

(35:30) How Anthony invests

(39:05) How to choose funds

(48:23) How to learn more about investing

About the Guest

As a travel nurse since 2016, Anthony realized there was a major lack of financial literacy to help nurses manage their increased income. Sure, travel nurses were earning more, but he wanted to make sure they were keeping more too. That is why he became a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI)® to help position himself as an expert resource on personal finance and to help spread financial education in the travel community. Now, he works as a Nurse Wealth Coach to empower nurses to take control of their financial situations and progress on their journeys toward financial independence.

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Show Credits

Host – Maggie Reichard

Producer – Jonathan Cary

Assistant Producers – Katie Schrauben & Sam MacKay

Music – Aidan Dykes

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