Ep. 22 – Teletherapy with Parent Involvement – Leanne Sherred MS, CCC-SLP

June 22, 2020

Join us for this week’s episode as we welcome a very special guest, Leanne Sherred MS, CCC-SLP, to discuss her practice as a teletherapist and explore the importance of parent involvement in their child’s therapy progress. With her experience as an SLP and her work as a teletherapist through her company, Expressable, Leanne has intimate insight into working with parents during therapy. She highlights the development of parent involvement, helpful resources for therapists to involve parents in treatment, overcoming obstacles in the parent-therapist relationship, and much more.

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We Discuss

  • Leanne’s experience as a teletherapist and her career journey as an SLP (1:52);
  • The evolution of parent/caregiver involvement in different therapy settings (5:07);
  • First steps for teletherapists to take to incorporate parents into therapy (11:08);
  • Useful resources for teletherapists to use to help involve parents more (14:21);
  • Avoiding burnout from parents and keeping them with the program (18:30);
  • The importance of early success in establishing parent involvement (23:29);
  • Effective activities to directly involve parents (26:48);
  • Face to face involvement vs. parent coaching (29:24);
  • Examples of successful treatment progress due to parent involvement (34:44);
  • Mitigating relationship obstacles with skeptical parents (38:27);

About Leanne Sherred MS, CCC-SLP

Leanne calls Austin, Texas home, but studied Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and gained her Master’s in Speech-language pathology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She has worked in pediatric outpatient clinics, schools, early intervention, and home health. Leanne is currently the President and Founder of Expressable, an online speech therapy company that envisions a modern and affordable way for anyone who needs speech therapy to access these vital services.

About the Show

Produced by Jonathan Cary

Music and Editing by Aidan Dykes

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