Ep. 36 – Standardized and Informal Assessments with SLP Nerdcast - Kate Grandbois, MS, CCC-SLP, BCBA, LABA and Amy Wonkka, MA, CCC-SLP

January 4, 2021

By Sam Mackay

In this episode, we had the amazing opportunity to host two special guests with their very own podcast! Kate Grandbois MS, CCC-SLP, BCBA, LABA & Amy Wonkka MA, CCC-SLP joined us from their show, SLP Nerdcast, to share their insights on standardized and informal assessments for SLPs—discussing the pros and cons of standardized assessments, the distinction between Norm Ref and Criterion Ref assessments, additional methods of assessment data collection, and more.

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We Discuss

  • Introduction to Kate and Amy and their career journeys (01:55);
  • The pros and cons of utilizing standardized assessments in speech therapy (12:42);
  • The difference between Norm Reference and Criterion Reference Testing (19:16);
  • The purpose of different assessments in a professional setting (26:05);
  • Additional testing used in conjunction with standardized assessments (28:10);
  • The strengths of Norm Reference standardized assessments (37:20);
  • What SLPs should understand before conducting assessments (48:39);

About Kate Grandbois MS, CCC-SLP, BCBA, LABA & Amy Wonkka MA, CCC-SLP

Kate is a dually certified SLP / BCBA with 13 years of clinical experience working in private practice, outpatient clinics, outpatient hospital settings, and consulting to private schools and legal teams. She specializes in augmentative alternative communication, autism and associated disorders, language development, and integrating AAC into the educational/vocational programming of persons with behavioral needs. Her private practice, Grandbois Therapy + Consulting, LLC, focuses on multidisciplinary treatment, collaboration, and mentorship. She has served as an advisory board member for the HP Hacking Autism Initiative, as adjunct faculty at Northeastern University, and is the former president and co-founder of The Speech and Language Network, Inc.

Amy has worked as a speech-language pathologist in the Northeast and Midwest. Prior to becoming an SLP, she worked for several years as a 1:1 paraprofessional and home service provider for individuals with complex communication needs. She has experience in home-based, public school, nonpublic school, and outpatient environments. Amy’s clinical interests include augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), autism and other related needs, typical language development, motor speech, phonology, data collection, collaboration, coaching, and communication partner training and support.

Find Kate and Amy on their Website and Instagram!

About the Show

Produced by Jonathan Cary

Music and Editing by Aidan Dykes

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