Ep. 52 – Activities for Preschoolers & Young Children: 5 Ideas in 30 Minutes

August 16, 2021

On this special edition of 5 Ideas in 30 Minutes, we turn up the fun in discussing activities for preschoolers and young children! Sure to keep your kiddos smiling, the speech therapy activity ideas include creating an obstacle course, balloon activities, moving therapy outside the classroom, and more.

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We Discuss

  • (0:00) Introduction
  • (4:44) Idea #1: Create an obstacle course or scavenger hunt
  • (12:00) Idea #2: Group centric sequencing activities
  • (17:38) Idea #3: Balloons!
  • (22:52) Idea #4: Move therapy outside the classroom
  • (26:48) Idea #5: Incorporate water into therapy

About the Show

Producer - Jonathan Cary
Assistant Producers – Katie Schrauben & Sam MacKay 
Show Notes – Sam MacKay
Music & Editing - Aidan Dykes

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