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Your Career on Your Terms Allied Travel

If you're ready to live your life on your terms, then you're in the right place! AMN Healthcare has tons of high-paid travel jobs in thousands of locations across the country that need to be filled. Allied travelers fill shortages in hospitals, schools, clinics, offices and more, which makes you and your skills valuable. Our exclusive partnerships with renowned medical facilities means endless opportunities for you to choose from, when and where you want. Plus, we set you up with an experienced, dedicated career specialist who will arrange everything for you, from your pay and benefits to your housing and travel accommodations.

Nurse standing at a computer desk

Are You a New Grad?

Are you a new allied graduate ready to begin your travel career? If so, have we got the program just for you! Our New Grad Program was developed to find perfect positions for newly graduated allied healthcare professionals, in hospitals and healthcare systems throughout the nation.


We work closely with these facilities to fill gaps and provide positions that are ideal for new grads to embark on in the professional world. Beyond the travel assignment, we also provide dedicated mentors, tuition reimbursement, and free CEUs.

Excellent Travel Benefits

Health Benefits

DAY ONE medical, dental, vision, and life insurance 


Receive a monthly stipend to use toward housing accommodations


Retirement savings plan; contribute up to $17,500/yr.

Career Consultants

Experienced clinical manager to help you throughout your entire travel journey

Apply for Allied Opportunities Today!

Take the first step to starting your new career.

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Travel Guides for Your Next Assignment

Must-read travel guides for health professionals. Learn about career opportunities and some of the most beautiful landscapes in the city or state you're looking to travel to.

Rachel Carson Bridge in Pittsburgh


The Healthcare Professional’s Guide to Pittsburgh

From beautiful parks and outdoor spaces, to museums, breweries, and sports -- Pittsburgh is an amazing city for healthcare professionals.

Dallas Texas skyline lit up at night


The Healthcare Professional’s Guide to Dallas–Fort Worth

Widely known as the economic and cultural hub of North Texas, Dallas–Fort Worth is also referred to as DFW (the local airport code) or the Metroplex.

a person exploring California


The Healthcare Professional’s Guide to Northern California

There’s no better state for healthcare professionals than The Golden State; California truly has it all!